Robert Elz <> wrote, on 10 Aug 2018:
>   | I don't see the need to have an intermediate fix in 1123; it will just
>   | create extra work to edit both bugs.  They will both go into the next
>   | update to the standard, whatever that is (TC3 or Issue 8).
> You are presuming that 1193 will not be rejected, which I would not
> like to presume - at least in its current form.

Brace expansion is widely implemented, so the chance it will be rejected
is zero.  The details to do with brace expansion might change, but that
won't affect the fix for $@ and $* expansion.

> This does raise a kind of "behind the scenes" question though (not
> a procedural one, but more a "how do they do that?")
> That is, as these issues are resolved, and approved, does the editor
> (I don't even know who that is) take the list of changes and (more or
> less) immediately apply them to some master copy, or are they all
> just retained as individual issues to be fixed, and then when it is
> time for a new issue to be produced, is some poor unfortunate soul
> then required to spend weeks going through the resolved issues
> (hoping not to miss any) applying all the fixes in one massive
> editing session?

The latter.

If the next update is a TC there is also an intermediate step where
we produce initial drafts of the TC document from the defect reports.
When this is sufficiently mature, we apply the changes (as listed in
the TC) to the source and circulate the merged version with the later
TC drafts (to aid reviewing of the TC).

Officially the editor is Cathy Fox (see page viii of C181.pdf).  She
has the final say on what goes in to the source, but in practice she
has assistance from another member of Open Group staff - historically
Andrew Josey, but since 2008-TC1 it has been me.  So I was the "poor
unfortunate soul" who spent weeks applying the TC2 changes.  (For TC1
I did about half, and Cathy did the other half herself.  We started
at opposite ends of the TC1 document and met in the middle.)

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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