2019-06-24 21:56:48 +0100, Harald van Dijk:
> On 24/06/2019 21:15, Stephane Chazelas wrote:
> > But that means that those ksh extended glob operators are not
> > enabled in:
> > 
> > pattern='@(x)'; cmd $pattern
> > or
> > case string in $pattern) ...
> > 
> > (for the latter, that changed in ksh93 which makes it
> > non-compliant; ksh88, pdksh, mksh are still OK).
> I do not see how it makes ksh93 non-compliant. Any use of this violates
> 2.13.1's "The shell special characters always require quoting.", which is a
> requirement on applications. As such, shells are free to interpret it in
> whatever way they wish, and consideration should be given to this extension
> when coming up with new wording for POSIX.

That's not what it means. If it did, that would mean things

text='foo bar'
echo $text

would be unspecified because of that "unquoted special
character" (space) after expansion (and unquoted $ before
expansion). Same for:

for i in $text; do...

"special character" is also not defined (or in the "Definitions"
chapter refers to something different). * and ? are also
refered to as special characters later on in the spec. That
sentence makes little sense as written.

again, was slightly clearer there by being more verbose which
allowed the intention of the spec to be infered.

It had this paragraph:

} Conforming applications are required to quote or escape the
} shell special characters (sometimes called metacharacters). If
} used without this protection, syntax errors can result or
} implementation extensions can be triggered. For example, the
} KornShell supports a series of extensions based on parentheses
} in patterns. 

Which explicitly refers to the @(...) and co. ksh operators.

They meant that

echo @(x)
echo ${foo#@(x)}

are unspecified for instance

echo $text

is specified, and

echo $text

is specified (to expand to the filenames that start with "@("
and end in ")".

Again, in ksh88 (and pdksh and derivatives), those extended
operators are only recognised when literal and unquoted, not when
they're in the result of a word expansion.


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