2019-07-30 11:27:15 +0100, Geoff Clare:
> > For ENOENT, that can be seen as a pathological case worth
> > reporting as well, especially in the */*.c case where the
> > current directory contains broken symlinks.
> That's inconsistent with your position on ENOTDIR.
> If regfile exists then you claim regfile/*.c isn't going to produce any
> matches, so it should be ignored.  Likewise if brokensymlink exists
> then brokensymlink/*.c isn't goint to produce any matches so to be
> consistent you should also want that to be ignored.

But in long/path/with/spaghetty/symlinks/*/*.c, the fact that an
extra symlink brings you over the limit (of number of links for
ELOOP or of path length for ENAMETOOLONG) prevents you from
listing that directory for a reason that is worth reporting IMO.

While there's no doubt in my mind that asking glob() to report
ENOTDIR errors in */*.c is wrong. That would be like asking that
ls -LR or find -L report them as well (ls -LR reports a ENOTDIR
error when a non-directory/file is passed as argument or is
found in the target of a symlink, but obviously not for the
non-directory files it finds by reading a directory, maybe that
can be adapted for glob()).

I don't think there's an ideal way to deal with it. That
interface is already broken/misdesigned in that it reports the
EACCESS errors in */*.c and not */file. Not reporting the
ENOTDIR error is definitely an improvement, at least in the case
of opening a directory that results from wildcard expansion (one
could argue glob() shouldn't try to open it in the first place),

Do you have a better suggestion?


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