2019-07-30 15:31:13 +0100, Geoff Clare:
> It's not invention because the standard already requires it. (It also
> requires EACCES, ELOOP, ENAMETOOLONG, ENOENT, ENOTDIR to be treated as
> errors.  The question is which ones the standard should be changed to
> say are ignored.)

By that reading, you could also say that

test -f /etc/passwd/file

should report an error because of the ENOTDIR error returned by
stat(). How is it different?

Surely the "errors" utilities are meant to report are those that
they *consider* an error, not every error by any of the syscall
their implementation makes.

IMO, it's a bit far fetched to see the spec as requiring sh to
fail upon a ENOENT error upon lstat() here (that would mean
*/file expansion could only succeed if all the non-hidden files
in the current directory were searchable directories and
contained a "file" entry) though it wouldn't harm to make it
more explicit.


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