Robert Elz <> wrote, on 30 Jul 2019:
>   | However, they are easily preventable, so why not do that?
> Because in practice they never occur.  I haven't seen a genuine
> ENFILE in decades now I think - even provoking one is getting to
> be impossible,

I agree ENFILE pretty much never happens these days.

> and the only way a shell can get to the EMFILE
> limit in any rational system is by decreasing the limit with a
> (non-standard) use of the ulimit utility -- other processes might
> (with some effort) be able to reach it, any shell running a
> standard script simply cannot

True if the script is run from a login shell (or subshell of it).
If the script is run from a program that is already near the
limit (and has no fd's marked close-on-exec), then it's entirely

I believe 32-bit versions of Solaris have the default limit set at
255 (because the 32-bit FILE structure has the fd as a uchar).

> So, we have errors that aren't going to happen,

I'll admit that EMFILE is rare, but given a combination of the
above factors it certainly can happen.

> and you're trying
> to convince me to slow down one of the few parts of the shell where
> execution time really matters so I can check for them.   Really?

Slow down?  You jest.  The shell is making a system call to open a
directory.  The time taken to check the errno value is negligible in
comparison to that.

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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