A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                dwheeler
Assigned To:                ajosey
Project:                    1003.1(2008)/Issue 7
Issue ID:                   251
Category:                   Base Definitions and Headers
Type:                       Enhancement Request
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     Under Review
Name:                       David A. Wheeler 
User Reference:              
Section:                    XBD 3.170 Filename 
Page Number:                60 
Line Number:                1781 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2010-05-03 18:49 UTC
Last Modified:              2023-02-10 18:14 UTC
Summary:                    Forbid newline, or even bytes 1 through 31
(inclusive), in filenames
Relationships       ID      Summary
related to          0000293 restricting readdir normalization of fi...
related to          0000573 Please add '+' to the portable filename...
has duplicate       0000545 Escape Filenames as per Uniform Resourc...
related to          0000291 filenames need not contain characters

 (0006146) dwheeler (reporter) - 2023-02-10 18:14
I was fully aware when I proposed this that this was a big change, and
might not be accepted. Still, there's been a problem that POSIX *allows*
control characters in filenames (particularly newline), yet hasn't provided
standard mechanisms to deal with them, so it's often impractical to process
filenames securely (a sad state of affairs).

The latest efforts to allow \0 (NUL) terminated filename lists is a big
step forward. It's now at least possible to portably process filename
lists, and using a mechanism that is already widely implemented.

mirabilos :

> Honestly, I fully agree with the need to escape some kinds of filenames.
Widely deployed, and easily later-added-to-existing-systems, measures like
“print -0” and “read -d ''” exist. Actually, make that ...

> On that note, please do *not* standardise on GNU sort (-z for
NUL-terminated), but on BSD’s:
> mirbsd$ printf 'foo\0bar\0' | sort -R '' | hd
00000000 62 61 72 00 66 6F 6F 00 - |bar.foo.|
> ...
> is much more flexible than GNU’s…
> -z, --zero-terminated
>              line delimiter is NUL, not newline
> for the same reason the shell read built-in command has -d for the
delimiter (first octet of $OPTARG is used) instead of -0.

Sorting on filenames is useful, especially when you're trying to create
reproducible builds.

That said, don't use "-R" in the standard for sort to specify a record
delimiter, as GNU sort already uses -R for "random-sort". I think it should
be possible to find another option letter or two that is either already
used for its purpose *or* doesn't conflict with an existing

I would prefer that sort support both a an option meaning "use NUL
terminator" option as well as a more general option of "use this delimiter
(empty means NUL)". The resulting scripts are a little easier to read when
there's a simple option, especially when the script is already quoted. In
addition, different implementations have seen value in each, so it makes
sense to support them both.

I believe the sort specification could add "-z" for saying "use NUL
terminators for input/output record separators"; the "-z" option is used in
GNU sort, MacOS sort, and probably others. I think you could use "-D" as
the option for an arbitrary delimiter, similar to read -d DELIMITER where
an empty delimiter means NUL. As with other cases, in at LEAST the case
where NUL is used, it SHOULD be an error if there are 1+ bytes at the end
that are not terminated by the terminator, as this suggests partial data. 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2010-05-03 18:49 dwheeler       New Issue                                    
2010-05-03 18:49 dwheeler       Status                   New => Under Review 
2010-05-03 18:49 dwheeler       Assigned To               => ajosey          
2010-05-03 18:49 dwheeler       Name                      => David A. Wheeler
2010-05-03 18:49 dwheeler       Section                   => XBD 3.170 Filename
2010-05-03 18:49 dwheeler       Page Number               => 60              
2010-05-03 18:49 dwheeler       Line Number               => 1781            
2010-05-03 19:37 dwheeler       Note Added: 0000412                          
2011-03-10 16:04 msbrown        Note Added: 0000689                          
2011-04-11 20:28 eblake         Interp Status             => ---             
2011-04-11 20:28 eblake         Note Added: 0000739                          
2011-04-11 20:28 eblake         Summary                  Forbid bytes 1 through
31 (inclusive) in filenames => Forbid newline, or even bytes 1 through 31
(inclusive), in filenames
2011-04-11 21:17 dwheeler       Note Added: 0000740                          
2011-07-07 15:31 user27         Note Added: 0000887                          
2011-12-17 21:43 dwheeler       Issue Monitored: dwheeler                    
2012-02-22 06:48 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001140                          
2012-02-22 19:25 dwheeler       Note Added: 0001141                          
2012-02-22 19:38 wlerch         Note Added: 0001142                          
2012-02-23 00:55 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001143                          
2012-02-25 02:25 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001147                          
2012-02-25 02:40 eblake         Relationship added       related to 0000545  
2012-03-29 23:10 Don Cragun     Relationship replaced    has duplicate 0000545
2012-08-03 19:35 eblake         Relationship added       related to 0000291  
2012-08-03 19:36 eblake         Relationship added       related to 0000293  
2012-08-03 19:36 eblake         Relationship added       related to 0000573  
2012-12-23 05:12 user229        Note Added: 0001437                          
2013-01-07 23:29 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001438                          
2013-01-07 23:47 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001439                          
2013-08-14 02:43 jrincayc       Note Added: 0001711                          
2013-08-14 03:23 dwheeler       Note Added: 0001712                          
2013-08-14 05:41 dalias         Note Added: 0001713                          
2013-08-14 07:34 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001714                          
2013-08-15 02:33 jrincayc       Note Added: 0001715                          
2013-08-15 02:48 dalias         Note Added: 0001716                          
2013-08-15 03:31 jrincayc       Note Added: 0001717                          
2013-08-16 02:43 jrincayc       Note Added: 0001721                          
2013-08-16 05:03 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001722                          
2013-08-16 10:46 a brouwer      Note Added: 0001723                          
2013-08-17 15:03 dwheeler       Note Added: 0001724                          
2013-08-17 16:13 dalias         Note Added: 0001725                          
2013-08-18 02:01 dwheeler       Note Added: 0001726                          
2013-08-18 05:22 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001727                          
2013-08-18 06:10 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001728                          
2013-08-18 13:12 jrincayc       Note Added: 0001730                          
2013-08-18 19:09 dwheeler       Note Added: 0001731                          
2013-08-19 09:25 geoffclare     Note Added: 0001732                          
2013-08-19 10:48 a brouwer      Note Added: 0001733                          
2013-08-19 12:34 jrincayc       Note Added: 0001734                          
2013-08-19 14:55 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001735                          
2013-08-19 22:40 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001736                          
2013-08-19 22:57 user229        Note Added: 0001737                          
2013-08-19 23:21 dalias         Note Added: 0001738                          
2013-08-19 23:48 shware_systems Note Added: 0001739                          
2013-08-20 02:40 user229        Note Added: 0001740                          
2013-08-20 03:23 dalias         Note Added: 0001741                          
2013-08-20 06:38 shware_systems Note Added: 0001742                          
2013-08-20 07:02 dalias         Note Added: 0001743                          
2013-08-20 14:52 dwheeler       Note Added: 0001744                          
2013-08-21 12:23 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001745                          
2013-08-21 12:25 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001746                          
2013-08-21 12:49 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001747                          
2013-08-21 13:12 steffen        Note Added: 0001748                          
2013-08-21 14:02 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001749                          
2013-08-30 04:44 oiaohm         Note Added: 0001779                          
2014-12-05 14:45 safinaskar     Note Added: 0002480                          
2015-06-22 16:48 mirabilos      Note Added: 0002730                          
2016-03-27 10:43 dannyniu       Issue Monitored: dannyniu                    
2023-02-10 18:14 dwheeler       Note Added: 0006146                          

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