On 11/09/2012 09:00 AM, Adrian Bunk wrote:
>>> Hmm, I'm wondering if we should do something fancier, and have both
>>> AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR and AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS collaborate so that the
>>> FIRST call to either macro causes AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR to be traced.
>> Considering that I'd like to see AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR deprecated in
>> Autoconf 2.71 and removed in Autoconf 2.72, I believe that would be
>> a bit of an overkill.
>> ...
> It is completely crazy to imagine removing a macro in Autoconf 2.72 
> that is as of today used in half of all configure.ac files. [1]
> Did you ever consider the consequences e.g. for Debian, where more than
> thousand packages are re-running autoconf at package build time?

Yes, which is why I have been insisting that we do not deprecate
AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR, and am under the gun to post the revised patches
today for my scheme of supporting both names along with error checking
if they are used incorrectly.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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