[ On , April 26, 2000 at 18:41:32 (+0200), Akim Demaille wrote: ]
> Subject: Performances of awk
> What's so expensive is the finalizing loop which uses a small AWK
> script.  If you concentrate the measure on this very script, the
> performance penalty is frightening:
> | ~/src/fileutils % cat > /tmp/finalize.awk
> |     {
> |       sub(/[         ]*$/, "")
> |       if ($0 == "")
> |         {
> |           if (!duplicate)
> |             print
> |           duplicate = 1
> |           next
> |         }
> |       duplicate = 0
> |       oline++
> |       while (sub(/__oline__/, oline))
> |         continue
> |       while (sub(/@<:@/, "["))
> |         continue
> |       while (sub(/@:>@/, "]"))
> |         continue
> |       while (sub(/@S\|@/, "$"))
> |         continue
> |       while (sub(/@%:@/, "#"))
> |         continue
> |       print
> |     }
> | ~/src/fileutils % time mawk -f /tmp/finalize.awk < configure >/dev/null
> |   9,51s user 0,02s system 100% cpu 9,521 total
> | ~/src/fileutils % time gawk -f /tmp/finalize.awk < configure >/dev/null
> |   0,89s user 0,01s system 101% cpu 0,890 total
> So, should we change AC_PROG_AWK?  Should the package Autoconf use a
> different macro?

I don't know exactly what's going on here, but I am sure that mawk is
usually a good choice and sometimes the best choice still:

17:12 [104] $ time nawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < gmp/configure >>
    0.28s real     0.15s user     0.11s system
17:12 [105] $ time mawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < gmp/configure >>
    0.17s real     0.13s user     0.03s system
17:12 [106] $ time gawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < gmp/configure >>
    0.33s real     0.27s user     0.05s system

17:13 [107] $ time nawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < ggrep/configure>
    0.22s real     0.09s user     0.08s system
17:14 [108] $ time mawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < ggrep/configure>
    0.08s real     0.05s user     0.01s system
17:14 [109] $ time gawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < ggrep/configure>
    0.13s real     0.10s user     0.02s system

17:14 [110] $ time nawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < newsyslog/confi>
    0.44s real     0.20s user     0.20s system
17:14 [111] $ time mawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < newsyslog/confi>
    0.37s real     0.35s user     0.01s system
17:14 [112] $ time gawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < newsyslog/confi>
    0.32s real     0.30s user     0.01s system

17:19 [132] $ time nawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < fingerd/configu>
    0.53s real     0.22s user     0.24s system
17:19 [133] $ time mawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < fingerd/configu>
    0.55s real     0.40s user     0.02s system
17:19 [134] $ time gawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < fingerd/configu>
    0.40s real     0.32s user     0.03s system

Only this last one (which is the largest configure script I had handy)
showed mawk wasting time beyond all reason:

17:21 [136] $ time nawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < amanda/configur>
    3.57s real     1.94s user     1.53s system
17:21 [137] $ time mawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < amanda/configur>
   54.65s real    52.90s user     0.28s system
17:22 [138] $ time gawk -f /home/most/woods/src/finalize.awk < amanda/configur>
    2.46s real     2.29s user     0.12s system

So, there seem to be some odd-ball cases where mawk is dramatically
slower than either nawk or gawk.  Note that the above timings were done
with mawk-1.2.2.  The current version is 1.3.3 so perhaps even the
odd-ball cases will work faster with it.

(what's interesting in my timings is the excessive system time that nawk
always seems to take!  ;-)

Now I do have to ask what the purpose of that awk script could possibly
be, and why it has to do things the way it seems to want to do them?

                                                        Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      <robohack!woods>
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