[ On Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 18:52:55 (-0700), Paul Eggert wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: Performances of awk
> It certainly is.  This is a performance bug in mawk.
> I observed the bug in mawk 1.3.3.
> To work around the problem somewhat, please try replacing this:
>   while (sub(/__oline__/, oline))
>     continue
> with this:
>   if ($0 ~ /__oline__/)
>     while (sub(/__oline__/, oline))
>       continue

While that doesn't do much for nawk or gawk (in fact it might even slow
them down a tiny bit), it does speed mawk back up enough that it's
faster than the other two again!  ;-)

02:37 [106] $ time nawk -f ~/src/finalize.awk < amanda/configure > /dev/null
   5.51s real    2.78s user    0.31s system 
02:37 [107] $ time mawk -f ~/src/finalize.awk < amanda/configure > /dev/null 
  77.37s real   75.98s user    0.47s system 
02:39 [108] $ time gawk -f ~/src/finalize.awk < amanda/configure > /dev/null 
   4.42s real    4.12s user    0.09s system 
02:39 [109] $ time nawk -f ~/src/finalize-fast.awk < amanda/configure > /dev/null
   2.96s real    2.80s user    0.10s system 
02:39 [110] $ time mawk -f ~/src/finalize-fast.awk < amanda/configure > /dev/null
   1.30s real    1.21s user    0.07s system 
02:39 [111] $ time gawk -f ~/src/finalize-fast.awk < amanda/configure > /dev/null
   4.39s real    4.18s user    0.16s system 

I'm guessing that nawk and gawk may do this test automatically as an
optimisation internally....

                                                        Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098      VE3TCP      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      <robohack!woods>
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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