On 11/9/06, Stepan Kasal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 05:46:23PM -0700, David Everly wrote:
> I put together a test case before sending my email, the only line in
> the one Makefile.am is the one I gave containing test.txt.

well, I created configure.ac and Makefile.am:
$ cat configure.ac
AC_INIT([this], [1.0], [EMAIL PROTECTED])
$ cat Makefile.am
sysconf_DATA = $(top_srcdir)/test.txt

Then I run:

autoreconf -i
make distcheck

This is almost identical to what I tried.

and the distcheck failed with the expected message:

make[1]: *** No rule to make target `../test.txt', needed by `all-am'.  Stop.

I used recent CVS build of Autoconf, and a CVS version of Automake
which is slightly older than 1.10.

Ok, so there must be something that is better about CVS because your
test also does not fail for me.

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