Hello John,

* Eric Blake wrote on Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 01:18:59AM CEST:
> On 10/26/2010 04:31 PM, John Wohlbier wrote:
> >We're trying to use autoconf in a hybrid environment that includes the
> >CellBE. I have a configure.ac for the CellBE PPE core and one for the SPE
> >core. I also have some macros for setting up the compilers and their flags
> >since it appears that AC_PROG_CC and AC_PROG_CXX do not support these
> >compilers. I have what I feel are valid compiler flags for, in this case,
> >ppuxlc++. However, I think I have a problem with the interaction of
> >autoconf/libtool and cannot get my sources to compile. Below is what I see
> >on output.
> >
> >To try and narrow down on the error "ppuxlc++: 1501-208 (S) command option D
> >is missing a subargument" I went through by hand and removed all of the -D
> >arguments, and it still failed. Finally, I removed the -MD argument and it
> >"compiles." Unfortunately I don't know enough about autoconf/libtool to know
> >what the -MD -MP -MF arguments are or where they come from. Can anyone
> >provide any hints or suggestions on how to figure out what is going on?

How exactly do you invoke configure, what does configure output as
dependency mechanism for these two compilers, where are the manpages
for the compilers?


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