Hello Vincent,

* Vincent Torri wrote on Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 08:52:59PM CET:
> I saw in the automake doc a support for yacc and lex. I looked in
> automake/am/ and saw 2 files, lex.am and yacc.am, which seem to
> allow that support.
> We have a program that tranforms .edc files into .edj files, and we
> would like to add similar support for that program.

One input file, one output file?

cat >edc-rules.am <<EOF
EDCC = edcc
        $(EDCC) $(EDCFLAGS) -o $@ $<

include edc-rules.am from each Makefile.am you want the rules in.

If you want to be able to choose the compiler at configure time,
you can remove the EDCC setting above and use in configure.ac
  AC_CHECK_PROGS([EDCC], [edcc])

(or AC_CHECK_TOOLS, if cross-compilers get prefixed names).

If that doesn't answer your question, please clarify what you want.


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