ping2 :)

Vincent Torri

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:24 AM, Vincent Torri <> wrote:

> Hey,
> Wasn't what i want (see below) clear enough ?
> Vincent Torri
>  First, it seems that i have deleted your answers while deleting other
>> files. So I answer to my mail without your comments. Sorry for the
>> inconvenience (the archive will not display this mail as an answer to your
>> mail)
>> On Mon, 20 Dec 2010, Vincent Torri wrote:
>>  * Vincent Torri wrote on Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 08:52:59PM CET:
>>>> I saw in the automake doc a support for yacc and lex. I looked in
>>>> automake/am/ and saw 2 files, and, which seem to
>>>> allow that support.
>>>> We have a program that tranforms .edc files into .edj files, and we
>>>> would like to add similar support for that program.
>>> One input file, one output file?
>>> cat > <<EOF
>>> EDCC = edcc
>>> .edc.edj:
>>>       $(EDCC) $(EDCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
>>> EOF
>>> include from each you want the rules in.
>> That is what we are currently doing. A make rule.
>>  If that doesn't answer your question, please clarify what you want.
>> I would like, in our, having something like:
>> AM_EDCFLAGS = ****
>> bin_PROGRAMS = foo
>> foo_SOURCES = bar.edc
>> and automake will automatically use edcc to transform bar.edc into bar.edj
>> See
>> Also, as it is transforming a script file into a binary data file, I don't
>> know if bin_PROGRAMS is what should be used. But I just saw that python
>> support has rules like
>> python_PYTHON =
>> which is really what I would like to have. Having an 'EDJE' primary:
>> AM_EDCFLAGS = edc_flags
>> theme_EDJE = foo.edc
>> then edcc would be called like that:
>> edcc edc_flags foo.edc foo.edj
>> Other things must be taken into account:
>> * foo.edc must be in the tarball
>> * installation path of foo.edj: what to do ? something like the DATA
>>  primary ?
>> * adding prefix ?
>> I hope I'm a bit clearer :)
>> thank you
>> Vincent Torri

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