Let's look at the history.

Thanks very much for all that research and explanations, Bruno.
Likewise, Jacob.


Aha, the explanation for some of the $sleep commands scattered
throughout the Automake tests! I had no idea. I'll add a comment at some
point. (I myself added more, in vain attempts to work around the timing
problems, but I don't think they should be necessary, in theory. Not
that I plan to remove them.)

   This patch is conservative; IMO safe for a 1.17 release.

I like the idea of a conservative patch, for sure. I see that what
you're doing here is simply omitting the 1 second trial for the sake of
saving that time, in exchange for accepting a 2s delay in the Automake
tests on 1s filesystems. That seems fine to me.

   This patch is risky. I think it's safe to commit only if followed
   by a 1-month testing period,

I installed your first patch.

   where we can see if people report failures
   like they were reported in September 2010.

I don't see any reason why the problem would have gone away.

   The problem with this patch is that it reverts the change 5) in the

Perhaps the AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_POST as proposed by Nick and Jacob would
ameliorate that. It doesn't incur any delay on reasonable systems.
I'll reply separately about that. --thanks, karl.

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