I doubt so. I think you would like to insert records with foreign IPs, where there is no other guarantee only trusted entity can 'forge' service entries this way. I think such activity can be allowed only by explicitly allowed users or groups, not by default. I do not think we have already API for that. I guess we would want such entries marked somehow. Are those services reachable over normal IP addresses after they are discovered? If it requires that OSI layer to communicate with those services too, I doubt it would be useful for common avahi clients.

A pull request might be reviewed, but it seems not a small feature for current avahi state. We have pending much smaller features at the moment. I have no Apple device in my home, so I cannot check this myself. Maybe try creating issue at github requesting such feature. But expect no fast resolution.


On 3/21/23 10:48, Simon Neuenhausen wrote:

I'm currently working on integrating the open wireless link project(OWL) with avahi.

OWL implements apple's proprietary AWDL protocol, which handles DNS-SD on another OSI Layer.

Due to this I would like to ask, if there is an API that allows one to directly make avahi aware of a service without directly receiving the announcement.



Petr Menšík
Software Engineer, RHEL
Red Hat, https://www.redhat.com/
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  • [avahi] AWDL Simon Neuenhausen
    • Re: [avahi] AWDL Petr Menšík

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