Berin Loritsch wrote:

Leo Simons wrote:

We have a soft dependency on AltRMI, so we can opt to push that
release later if necessary.  Paul how do you feel about getting
an AltRMI release out?

it looks like AltRMI is indeed getting a new home @ incubator (whoohooh!). In the light of that, I suggest we don't release any altrmi packages with a status other than alpha.

The dependency is very soft.  It does not have to be included at all,
although we can have Instrument-Manager released with the "experimental"
feature (which seems pretty stable BTW).  As long as it is marked that
way, we should be OK.  If AltRMI is not in the classpath, the standard
transport is always available.

Can you explain the notion of "soft"?

As I undertand things you can build and deploy using the Instrument package - but to do anything with this you need an instument manager which talks to an instrument client. If code includes the instrument manager then currently that means a *hard* dependency on AltRMI. Fortress has a hard dependency on Instrument Manager therefor it has a hard dependecy on AltRMI.

Is this correct or not?

Cheere, Steve.


Stephen J. McConnell

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