David McNab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That problem could be easily overcome - stick up a wiki at the
> avr-libc home page - http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/

We are just guests there, guests to the GNU project and their website
(which is mostly run by volunteers in their spare-time).

Let's see what might come out of the idea of Atmel hosting a Wiki
along with avrfreaks.net.  If that's really going to happen, it will
surely benefit from the good reputation avrfreaks already has right

>> The AVR GCC page, for example, calls avr-gcc "gcc-avr", which will
>> mess up searches.

> I thought that 'gcc-avr' was the correct terminology. If it's not,
> then the Ubuntu packages 'gcc-avr', 'binutils-avr' etc are
> incorrectly named.

The "official" name (as it's been given by its authors) is AVR-GCC.
You could also call it a GCC compiled for the AVR target (that's what
it technically is).

I guess the Ubuntu names just follow whatever naming policy Ubuntu
implies for their 3rd-party software packages.

>> What exactly is "doco"?

> It's an accepted colloquial shortening of the word 'documentation'.

Don't be too lazy when writing anything that's going to be "official".
There's no point in fuzzy abbreviations there.  If you're too lazy to
type, writing articles for the public is simply not your job.  Some
documentation guides even go that far to ban all apostrophized
omissions, even though they are semi-common English.  I know it that
way e. g. from the FreeBSD documentation.  So you are never supposed
to write "it's" there, but always "it is".  This also avoids the
common misspelling of "its" as "it's" which interestingly native
speakers are more often a victim of than foreigners.

Apart from that, I think "docu" would come closer because it at least
shares all four letters with the actual word it stands for.  The
plural is "docs" then.

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL

http://www.sax.de/~joerg/                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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