Trampas Stern a écrit :
> Can you comment out lines and have firmware run?  

        I don't understand. I have tried to comment out some lines. Sometimes
firmware runs as expected, sometimes, it continuously reboots.

        When I comment out some lines or add some debug trace, firmware desn't
crash at the same place. I have deleted some piece of code to only
initialize my board and to try to access to SX1262...

> Could it be that your power supply is dropping and browning out? 

        Nope, unfortunately. I have done tests with in-board uninterruptible
power supply and with an external 150W power supply.

        Please note that simavr shows exactly the same result :

hilbert:[~/cvs/firmware-antivol] > simavr -t -vvv -m atmega1284 -f
16000000 firmware.elf
Loaded 95692 .text at address 0x0
Loaded 5646 .data
Loaded 2276 .eeprom
 Systella L100-A..
Booting firmware 2021062213..
SPI initialized..
Reset LORA..
Reset LORA done..
LoRaWAN 1.1..
Initialization SX1262..
Initialization SX1262 done..
MAC initialization..
LDL_MAC_addChannel:786>chIndex=0 freq=868100000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
LDL_MAC_addChannel:786>chIndex=1 freq=868300000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
LDL_MAC_addChannel:786>chIndex=2 freq=868500000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
cb type=11..
processInit:990>set radio reset: ticks=126..
processRadioReset:1005>clear radio reset: ticks=126..
MAC initialization done..
processStartRadioForEntropy:1057>listen for entropy: ticks=127..
processEntropy:1074>read entropy: ticks=127 entropy=0..
cb type=0..
LDL_MAC_addChannel:786>chIndex=0 freq=868100000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
LDL_MAC_addChannel:786>chIndex=1 freq=868300000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
LDL_MAC_addChannel:786>chIndex=2 freq=868500000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
avr_gdb_init listening on port 1234

        Real board reboots (or stalls) when simavr enters in gdb.



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