Also when you print out the size in the make file, how much SRAM does it
indicate your program is using?

On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 2:10 PM Trampas Stern <> wrote:

> So I would recommend that you put in the ASSERT for the LDL_PEDANTIC()
> macro.
> Secondly, you need to be careful with PROGMEM, that is with AVR being a
> Harvard machine you can burn up SRAM quickly by not using PROGMEM  for
> constants.  For example with the LDL library you need to be sure
> that LDL_ENABLE_AVR is defined.
> Note the AVR is a great processor, however I have personally not used one
> in about 15 years.  The price and ease of programming ARM Cortex M have
> gotten such AVR are no longer viable for new development as I can develop
> products so much faster with ARM Cortex M parts, and their power and price
> is comparable to AVR.
> Another trick you can do is inside a function do this:
> void printMem(void) {
>    uint8_t *ptr;
>    printf("stack 0x%X\n", &ptr); //this will be address on stack where ptr
> is.
>    ptr=malloc(10);
>    printf("heap 0x%X\n", ptr); //this will be address as to heap
>    free(ptr);
> }
> This will help as you can do some rough tracking of stack and heap usage,
> assuming the AVR linker script has stack growing from top of memory to end
> of heap it will help you check for stack overflow.
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 1:39 PM BERTRAND Joël <>
> wrote:
>>         Strange. Following function runs as expected.
>> enum ldl_mac_status LDL_MAC_otaa(struct ldl_mac *self)
>> {
>>     enum ldl_mac_status retval;
>>     union ldl_mac_response_arg arg;
>>     LDL_PEDANTIC(self != NULL)
>>     if(self->ctx.joined){
>>         retval = LDL_STATUS_JOINED;
>>     }
>>     else if(self->op == LDL_OP_NONE){
>>         if(self->devNonce <= U32(UINT16_MAX)){
>>             forgetNetwork(self);
>>             self->trials = 0;
>>             self->day = U32(60) * U32(60) * U32(24) * timeTPS;
>> #if defined(LDL_ENABLE_L2_1_1)
>>             LDL_OPS_deriveJoinKeys(self);
>> #endif
>>             fillJoinBuffer(self, U16(self->devNonce));
>>             self->devNonce++;
>>             arg.dev_nonce_updated.nextDevNonce = self->devNonce;
>> unsigned char t[80];
>> sprintf(t, "self->handler=%p\r\n", self->handler);
>>             self->handler(self->app, LDL_MAC_DEV_NONCE_UPDATED, &arg);
>>             self->tx.power = 0;
>>             self->op = LDL_OP_JOINING;
>>             if(self->state == LDL_STATE_IDLE){
>>                 self->state = LDL_STATE_WAIT_OTAA;
>>                 LDL_MAC_timerSet(self, LDL_TIMER_WAITA, 0);
>>             }
>>             retval = LDL_STATUS_OK;
>>             LDL_DEBUG("OTAA is pending")
>>         }
>>         else{
>>             /* need to re-init with a different JoinEUI */
>>             retval = LDL_STATUS_DEVNONCE;
>>         }
>>     }
>>     else{
>>         retval = LDL_STATUS_BUSY;
>>     }
>>     return retval;
>> }
>>         If I comment out sprintf(), it crashes. If I deplace this debug
>> trace
>> before or _after_ self->handler call, firmware runs as expected. I don't
>> understand. If there is a memory corruption somewhere, I could
>> understand that a debug trace _before_ the line that triggers the bug
>> can change something. But I don't understand why the following function
>> runs as expected :
>> enum ldl_mac_status LDL_MAC_otaa(struct ldl_mac *self)
>> {
>>     enum ldl_mac_status retval;
>>     union ldl_mac_response_arg arg;
>>     LDL_PEDANTIC(self != NULL)
>>     if(self->ctx.joined){
>>         retval = LDL_STATUS_JOINED;
>>     }
>>     else if(self->op == LDL_OP_NONE){
>>         if(self->devNonce <= U32(UINT16_MAX)){
>>             forgetNetwork(self);
>>             self->trials = 0;
>>             self->day = U32(60) * U32(60) * U32(24) * timeTPS;
>> #if defined(LDL_ENABLE_L2_1_1)
>>             LDL_OPS_deriveJoinKeys(self);
>> #endif
>>             fillJoinBuffer(self, U16(self->devNonce));
>>             self->devNonce++;
>>             arg.dev_nonce_updated.nextDevNonce = self->devNonce;
>>             self->handler(self->app, LDL_MAC_DEV_NONCE_UPDATED, &arg);
>>             self->tx.power = 0;
>>             self->op = LDL_OP_JOINING;
>>             if(self->state == LDL_STATE_IDLE){
>>                 self->state = LDL_STATE_WAIT_OTAA;
>>                 LDL_MAC_timerSet(self, LDL_TIMER_WAITA, 0);
>>             }
>>             retval = LDL_STATUS_OK;
>>             LDL_DEBUG("OTAA is pending")
>>         }
>>         else{
>>             /* need to re-init with a different JoinEUI */
>>             retval = LDL_STATUS_DEVNONCE;
>>         }
>>     }
>>     else{
>>         retval = LDL_STATUS_BUSY;
>>     }
>> unsigned char t[80];
>> sprintf(t, "self->handler=%p\r\n", self->handler);
>>     return retval;
>> }
>>         Of course, if I comment out :
>> unsigned char t[80];
>> sprintf(t, "self->handler=%p\r\n", self->handler);
>> it crashes again :
>> hilbert:[~/cvs/firmware-antivol] > simavr -t -vvv -m atmega1284 -f
>> 16000000 firmware.elf
>> Loaded 95670 .text at address 0x0
>> Loaded 5654 .data
>> Loaded 2276 .eeprom
>> 01..
>> ..
>> =================..
>>  Systella L100-A..
>> =================..
>> ..
>> Booting firmware 2021062218..
>> SPI initialized..
>> Reset LORA..
>> Reset LORA done..
>> LoRaWAN 1.1..
>> Initialization SX1262..
>> Initialization SX1262 done..
>> 0000000000000000..
>> MAC initialization..
>> LDL_MAC_addChannel:790>chIndex=0 freq=868100000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
>> LDL_MAC_addChannel:790>chIndex=1 freq=868300000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
>> LDL_MAC_addChannel:790>chIndex=2 freq=868500000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
>> cb type=11..
>> processInit:994>set radio reset: ticks=151..
>> processRadioReset:1009>clear radio reset: ticks=151..
>> MAC initialization done..
>> lora_send..
>> processStartRadioForEntropy:1061>listen for entropy: ticks=152..
>> processEntropy:1078>read entropy: ticks=152 entropy=0..
>> cb type=0..
>> LDL_MAC_ready..
>> LDL_MAC_otaa..
>> LDL_MAC_addChannel:790>chIndex=0 freq=868100000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
>> LDL_MAC_addChannel:790>chIndex=1 freq=868300000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
>> LDL_MAC_addChannel:790>chIndex=2 freq=868500000 minRate=0 maxRate=5..
>> avr_gdb_init listening on port 1234

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