On 13.10.21 17:31, Royce Pereira wrote:
   > Today I started getting this error when i run make:
   > make: *** No rule to make target `c:avr-gccavrincludeavrio.h',
   > by `Timer-5D-DD-0715.o'.  Stop.

While I'm rusty on make these days, ISTM that there is something wrong
with the makefile, as io.h should not be a target. Headers are
in source files for targets (xx.o), not built separately. It is then
unsurprising that there is no rule for no build.

Listing io.h as a dependency, either on the target line, or as a
separate dependency:

Timer-5D-DD-0715.o: io.h

will tell make to rebuild the target if io.h has changed, but only an
erroneous placement of io.h as a target ought to create your current
problem ... in theory.

Even if you use suffix rules, .h should only appear on the right of
If you would post the makefile, it may be possible to spot the

> The offending part is the slash after c (C:)

That may be just a display artifact, escaping perhaps.

> I checked for typos in my makefile, but it's happening with all my

Is there really only one makefile?

> Note:
>  I'm using windows 10 and make.exe is in :
> C:MinGWmsys1.0binmake.exe
> Which is defined in my path.

An instance of make is being run - it announced itself in the error
message. For completeness, is it gnu make or some lesser imitation?
Has that been upgraded recently? (With a buggy version.)

P.S. CCing as last two posts to other lists didn't make it to list.

The difference between theory and practice is much smaller in theory
than in practice.

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