Sounds super interesting! I will check this out tomorrow from my 3D-enabled
cpu :P

As far as I know there isn't anyone doing particles for away3D.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 7:37 PM, McFunkypants <> wrote:

> Woo hoo! I have been successful in implementing a fully GPU animated
> particle system (60fps with 40,000 particles each moving in different
> directions, rotating and scaling larger while fading out) that uses
> AGAL for all simulation - not the CPU.
> Right now it does NOT use away3d classes at all for efficiency. It is
> all hand coded as3. Forgive my laziness - I might try to incorporate
> it into away3d once I finish my book on Molehill next month. But just
> for reference, the good news is that I can confirm beyond any shadow
> of a doubt that the "all done in AGAL + batched vertex buffer +
> reusable pool" particle technique outlined in the first post on this
> thread WORKS GREAT.
> Is there any interest in my working this into away3d?  I don't want to
> duplicate anyone's efforts and find away3d to be such a moving target
> right now it might break in the future so I'm hesitant.  Let me know
> if you think I should dive in.
> Anyways, in explanation, apart from doing all sim on the GPU, the
> other optimizaton technique used here is I have also created a
> "particle pool" so that particles are reused if inactive - this avoids
> any GC issues: we don't "spawn" new particles each time there is a new
> explosion, we just reuse old ones and only create new ones if there
> aren't any inactive ones available.  This means that the FPS hiccups
> the very first few seconds as new particles are created but if you
> hold down the spacebar for 2-3 seconds it stays near 60fps.
> For now, to help you out, since I may never bother implementing it
> inside the dependency-rich away3d, here is the AGAL and scene setup
> for the technique outlined above (two vertex buffers, one is the start
> pos and one is the end pos, precalculated, for each vertex).  None of
> the animation is done in AS3 apart from calculating two constants that
> go from 0..1 over time.  It is all done in AGAL, and particles are
> "batched" in chunks - I'm using 336 polies per drawtriangles call but
> this could be any number.  They key here is to NOT render each
> particle separately.
> With some more work I am confident that 100,000+ particles is fully
> achieveable at 60fps with room to spare for all your other scene
> models since we aren't using the CPU for any of the heavy lifting.
> Enjoy!
> trace("Compiling the TWO FRAME particle shader...");
> vertexShader.assemble
> (
>        Context3DProgramType.VERTEX,
>        // scale the starting position
>        "mul vt0, va0, vc4.xxxx\n" +
>        // scale the ending position
>        "mul vt1, va2, vc4.yyyy\n" +
>        // interpolate the two positions
>        "add vt2, vt0, vt1\n" +
>        // 4x4 matrix multiply to get camera angle
>        "m44 op, vt2, vc0\n" +
>        // tell fragment shader about UV
>        "mov v1, va1"
> );
> // textured using UV coordinates
> fragmentShader.assemble
> (
>        Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT,
>        // grab the texture color from texture 0
>        // and uv coordinates from varying register 1
>        // and store the interpolated value in ft0
>        "tex ft0, v1, fs0 <2d,linear,repeat,miplinear>\n" +
>        // multiply by "fade" color register (fc0)
>        "mul ft0, ft0, fc0\n" +
>        // move this value to the output color
>        "mov oc, ft0\n"
> );
> // notes:
> // age_scale is a Vector.<Number> that goes from [1,0,1,1] to
> [0,1,1,1]
> // rgba_scale is a Vector.<Number> that goes from [1,1,1,1] to
> [0,0,0,0]
> // these are calculated each frame using sin and elapsed time
> // what the vertex shader above does is
> // - multiply the vertex position of frame one by age_scale[0]
> // - multiply the vertex position of frame two by age_scale[1]
> // - and add them together for the interpolated position
> // Set the vertex program register vc0 to our model view projection
> matrix
> context.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(
>        Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 0, matrix, true);
> // Set the vertex program register vc4 to our time scale from (0..1)
> // used to interpolate vertex positions over time
> context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(
>        Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 4, age_scale);
> // Set the fragment program register fc0 to our time scale from (0..1)
> // used to interpolate colors and transparency over time
> context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(
>        Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, rgba_scale);
> // Set the AGAL program
> context.setProgram(shader);
> // Set the fragment program register ts0 to a texture
> context.setTextureAt(0,texture);
> // starting position (va0)
> context.setVertexBufferAt(0, mesh.positionsBuffer,
>        0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
> // tex coords (va1)
> context.setVertexBufferAt(1, mesh.uvBuffer,
>        0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_2);
> // final position (va2)
> context.setVertexBufferAt(2, mesh2.positionsBuffer,
>        0, Context3DVertexBufferFormat.FLOAT_3);
> context.setBlendFactors(blend_src, blend_dst);
> context.setDepthTest(depth_test,depth_test_mode);
> context.setCulling(culling_mode);
> // render it
> context.drawTriangles(mesh.indexBuffer,
>        0, mesh.indexBufferCount);


Actionscript 3.0 Flash 3D Graphics Engine


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