I'm having about 10 objects adding a child object to themselves about
30  times per second.
These child objects remain for about 2 secconds, after which they are
removed (including all their references).

This makes that about 300 objects are created and removed per seccond,
and there are about 600 active objects at any time.

After commenting more and more code I found this:

When the child objects that are created are empty classes that extend
the ObjectContainer3D class, the memory is stable.
When I add one line of code to this child class so that they add a
sphere to themselves, the memory increases slowsy... but keeps
When I add a PathExtrude instead of the sphere with about 100 points
in them, memory goes through the roof.

I don't understand why it keeps increasing with this one line of code?

addChild(new Sphere(new ColorMaterial(0x00ff00, 1), 10));

After all, number of objects is stable, and memory stable without this
line shows that the garbage collector does take care of all the
removed objects right?

I'm running this on the latest Broomstick from the svn.

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