On Sat, 26 Sep 2009 00:33:05 +0200 (CEST) Gregor Best <g...@intepi.net>
> Thanks again for this huge piece of work :)

Hey..you're welcome :) but it isn't so huge, and I'm doing it for
myself too :D My goal is to make a vertical panel where I can put all
the vicious widgets and more :D

In that regards, I had a look at the tasklist, as it is the most
complex widget IMO. I couldn't understand how it can work, though, so I
did a quick test and found out it doesn't :) I only tested with
terminal widnows without icons until now. Right now the icons in
tasklist take the same space as the textboxes. Now I realize it was the
piece of code in the flex layout I deleted cos I didn't understand
it :D I consider it a hack though and I think it should be replaced with
layouts. However, to achieve it, 3 layouts need to be nested...getting
a bit complicated, but it seems to be the proper way. Here's an example:

            layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.flex
        layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright
            layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.flex
        layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright
    layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.flex

Jd (and others), do you aggree this is the right way or do you have a
better idea?

I'm also thinking it would be good if the default layout (now I mean
layouts of all the tables above) could be overridden by the user,
because for vertical panel they obviously need to be different. But
that's probably for another thread. I can do the rewrite to layouts and
maybe I'll figure something out on the way.



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