Pierre Maziere <pierre.mazi...@gmail.com> writes:

> The first patch fixes the x,y position of wiboxes when stretched,
> which is the default for awful.wibox: I had gaps between vertical and
> horizontal stretched wiboxes with borders (borders were the issue
> because of the way wibox x and y are calculated)

Pushed into master and 3.4.

> The second one fixes what I think is an error (but I may be wrong, it
> depends on the intention of the original coder): clients should take
> into account wibox borders and not recover them. Thus, struts had to
> be corrected: again I may have missed something here, but it felt
> wrong

No, you're right. Pushed also.

> The third is the new feature: stackable wiboxes. When you add a wibox
> using awful.wibox, it will be stacked after the last one at the same
> position (top, bottom, left or right). I guess we should have a way to
> easily move wiboxes order, but I wanted to have a feedback first.
> Why stackable wiboxes ? because:
> 1/ it's easier than dealing with widget layouts
> 2/ calling several times awful.wibox for the same position recovers
> the previous wibox
> but with the re-parenting stuff currently developed, I don't know if
> it is still relevant.

Well, actually you're right that it does not make that so much sense
with the stacking stuff. And it's a ugly hack, so I won't merge I guess.

Julien Danjou
// ᐰ <jul...@danjou.info>   http://julien.danjou.info

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