On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Julien Danjou <jul...@danjou.info> wrote:

>> The third is the new feature: stackable wiboxes. When you add a wibox
>> using awful.wibox, it will be stacked after the last one at the same
>> position (top, bottom, left or right). I guess we should have a way to
>> easily move wiboxes order, but I wanted to have a feedback first.
>> Why stackable wiboxes ? because:
>> 1/ it's easier than dealing with widget layouts
>> 2/ calling several times awful.wibox for the same position recovers
>> the previous wibox
>> but with the re-parenting stuff currently developed, I don't know if
>> it is still relevant.
> Well, actually you're right that it does not make that so much sense
> with the stacking stuff. And it's a ugly hack, so I won't merge I guess.

In order to achieve my plan for world domination, I'd be interested to
know why it's a ugly hack : code quality ? doable in another more
elegant way ? if so, would it be merged after some modifications or
would the upcoming 4.0 or 3.5 really make it irrelevant ?


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