On Mon, Mar 26 2012, Uli Schlachter wrote:

> Now what I did for awesome: I didn't feel like adding a special case for
> ARGB visual windows, hence I made the WM always use an ARGB visual for its
> window (and the special case disappeared!). However, now I hit bugs in my
> video driver where parts of the screen wheren't repainted properly after a
> tag switch. So I made awesome use the default visual again and opened FS#837
> to remind me of how much failure X11 is made of. :-(

Got it, thanks for the explanation!

I understand that you tried to did the Right Thing with your
implementation, but really it's acceptable IMHO to implement a special
case if the generic way triggers a bug in some video drivers. I mean, we
just add some comment to say "some days when X is fixed we should do
this in a generic way" and go with it. I don't think the special case
would be such a burden.


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