On 20.04.2012 15:18, dodo wrote:
> On 18 April 2012 18:23, Uli Schlachter <psyc...@znc.in> wrote:
>> On 15.04.2012 04:53, dodo wrote:
>>> 2. add awful.keygrabber which would handle a stack and `route` the key
>>> events to the right widget.
>> So you mean that instead of starting a keygrabber directly, I tell
>> awful.keygrabber that I want some specific key events and it starts a 
>> keygrabber
>> as long as someone asks for key events?
>> Everyone who wants key events registers a callback and can signal "nope, this
>> key event is not for me, pass it on"?
> not quite. you tell awful.keygrabber that you want keys but if someone
> after you asks for keys as well he will get it until he leaves it and
> you're back in key control again.
> the attachment might describe it in a better way than my words ^^
> what do you think?

Hm, I guess I do like this. Not sure if all the existing code returns the right
values from its keygrabber function, but that can be looked into later.

For the patches at hand: This doesn't look like a proof-of-concept, but like a
finished patch that I should merge. Right? (I'd merge this!)

Patch 1 should make its private data "local". Perhaps even "grabber" and
"keygrabbing" instead of "data.grabber" and "data.keygrabbing".

Patch 2 looks a little big to me. I'm not sure why cur_menu was needed, but I'd
like this to be split up into two patches, if that's not a problem. I don't
completely mind the current version either... :-)

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'You know that thing you just did? Don't do that.'
                     -- Douglas Adams

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