On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 07:34:18PM +0100, Jonathan Ballet wrote:
> [...]
> I'm not familiar with X11 programming, but it looks like you imply that there
> could be only two class names for an application, is it true?
> Also, does it mean that there's always two class names (not more, not less) 
> per
> application?
> [...]

I'm not sure about the maximum, I've never seen a client with more than
two classes, but there are programs that don't specify primary and
secondary class. Note that this is not really a concept of X, as X
itself doesn't really care about window properties.

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K- w--- ?O M-- ?V PS++ PE- Y++ PGP+++ t+ 5 X+ R tv b+++ DI+++
D+++ G+ e h! r y+

    Gregor Best

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