
Does anyone know if there's a way to restrict an application to a single
monitor on a specific tag with lua? Or more specifically, with shifty?

I have an app that opens another small app and sends data to it on a regular
basis. I would like to place this small app's window on my second monitor 
and leave it there permanently so I can view it easly while I work inside 
my main app. However, whenever data is sent to the small app, Awesome snaps 
it back to my main monitor, and I have to move it back again (Mod4 + o).

I've tried using shifty to make sure this window spawns on monitor #2,
and it works. However, as soon as data is sent to the window it snaps
back to monitor #1 and tiles my main app's window.

The strange part, is if I place this "small app" on a different tag on
the same monitor as my main app it acts fine. This is quite inconvenient
though as I'd like to see this app at all times. 

Note, this isn't like gimp's toolbox. These are two applications that
can be run on their own. It just so happens that one of them can listen
to the other for incoming commands. 

This is one of those issues that is aking me reconsider if a tiling 
window manager can be used in my line of work, as I've never seen this
kind of behavior before in Gnome or KDE. 


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