I personally use the following function in my rc.lua, mapped to
[modkey][i]. It outputs the info in naughty.

Why use an external program when you can have awesome give you the info ? :)

function client_prop(c)
    f = function (prop, str)
            prop and
                ( str
                .. ((type(prop)=="boolean") and "" or (" = " .. prop))
                .. "\n"
            or ""

        title = "Client info",
        text = ""
        .. f(c.class, "class")
        .. f(c.instance, "instance")
        .. f(c.name, "name")
        .. f(c.type, "type")
        .. f(c.role, "role")
        .. f(c.pid, "pid")
        .. f(c.window, "window_id")
        .. f(c.machine, "machine")
        .. f(c.skip_taskbar, "skip taskbar")
        .. f(c.floating, "floating")
        .. f(c.minimized, "minimized")
        .. f(c.maximized_horizontal, "maximized horizontal")
        .. f(c.maximized_vertical, "maximized vertical")

2010/7/24 Adrian C. <an...@sysphere.org>:
> On Fri, 23 Jul 2010, Alan Warren wrote:
>> is the first the "class" ?  I believe I've got this correct as I've
>> got mplay to behave
> No.
> http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/FAQ#How_to_find_window.27s_class_and_other_identifiers.3F
> http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/FAQ#How_to_start_clients_on_specific_tags_and_others_as_floating.3F
> --
> Adrian C. (anrxc) | anrxc..sysphere.org | PGP ID: D20A0618
> PGP FP: 02A5 628A D8EE 2A93 996E  929F D5CB 31B7 D20A 0618
> --
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Vivian Brégier

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