On Sun, Aug 07, 2011 at 05:18:41PM -0400, Ethan Levine wrote:
> I'm trying to find information regarding writing my own custom layout for
> awesome.  Instead of the ones that come with it, I want one where my screen
> is split into columns, and if you assign multiple windows to the same
> column, they'll just stack.
> I've tried reading through the source code for the built-in layouts, but
> it's hard to tell what's going on (a combination of few comments and Lua
> being dynamically typed).  The API documentation is also quite scant in this
> regard.
> Are there any resources available to help me write my own custom layout for
> awesome?  Do you have any hints as to where to start?  I'd also be grateful
> for any nice examples of others' custom layouts, so I can see how they work
> (as far as I can tell from reading the source code, I need to call
> client:geometry(new_geometry), but I'm not sure if I need to do anything
> else, or exactly what the parameters to "arrange" are).
> Thanks in advance.

I have managed to write a layout for Empathy. Seems like calling
client:geometry for each client is sufficient.


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