2012/6/17 Uli Schlachter <psyc...@znc.in>:
> apt-get install -t unstable lgi
> But that doesn't count as "trying to install it myself".

Ah, OK, I was just wondering if there was another change that I have
not noticed :)

Anyway, I have just tried running the latest version from git and it
fails with the following:

/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/lgi/namespace.lua:149: Typelib file for
namespace 'Pango' (any version) not found
/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua:2: loop or previous error loading module 'awful'
E: awesome: main:555: couldn't find any rc file

Is it happening because of some intensive work-in-progress in the
repository and I just need to be more patient or do I need to adjust
something on my system?
I am using lua-5.1 and lgi compiled manually from git sources.


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