On 23/05/11 14:43, John Spickes wrote:
> Not long ago I upgraded to Ubuntu Lucid from Karmic, and in so doing awesome 
> was
> brought up to version 3.4.3.  
> When this happened, certain keyboard commands, such as Mod4 + Shift + c to 
> kill
> a window, stopped working.  
> This happens with the default rc.lua that's included in the awesome package.

I have the same problem on debian but it seems not to be the upgrade of
awesome itself but of some other components.
I remapped from Mod4+Shift+c to Mod4+Shift+q since I don't quit awesome
and can use that instead now.
I have no idea what could be catching the Mod4+Shift+c. Probably gnome
keybindings - but they don't seem to work at the moment anyway.
xbindkeys is not working either... odd.

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