
  I'm trying to learn using Awesome on a Debian Squeeze system :
- awesome Debian package, version 3.4.6-1
- with Gnome-session (2.30...)

I use a specific rc.lua, mainly because I use an unusual french dvorak
keyboard setup called Bépo, and got a rc.lua sample here :
I've done some small translations, adaptations, and I run the Awesome
session through gnome-session (called from my .Xsession script).

I've started to learn keyboard shortcuts, but faced a problem : some
shortcuts doesn't work. I thought at first about a syntax problem in
rc.lua, but actually found that many of « client » keyboard shortcuts
didn't work... I was unable to :
- close windows (remapped to Mod4+Shift+x)
- maximize it (remapped to Mod4+m)
- top/not on top (remapped to Mod4+j)
Testing on terminal windows, the cursor only blinks and no more action
from Awesome.

I tried to set another key shortcut for a function, and found that that
new shortcut worked but not the other !

I then thought about something filtering these keys before Awesome get
them, and found that lauching awesome without using a Gnome session,
the key shortcuts are working !!

  So the problem seems to be in Gnome and not Awesome, but I don't see
what can filter these keys. I've checked Gnome's key shortcuts, without
anything having 'Mod4', only about specific 'music' keycodes
(XF86Audio*) and few other keys combinations...

  Does somebody have a guess about what in Gnome is filtering such key
shortcuts ?

  Also I wonder if I should try to build myself a more recent version
of Awesome for a Debian Squeeze system, or if I safely keep this 3.4.6
version ?

        Thanks for any help,


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