Shifty had some nice fine tuning to it that I miss, however for the most part, I achieve the same results with the normal config, by doing something like this,
I have some functions to handle tag creation/rename/deletion in my rc

function add_tag(args)
    local screen = args.screen or mouse.screen or 1
    local text   = or "Aux"
    return awful.tag.add(text,{})

function rename_tag(tag)
    if tag then t=tag else t=awful.tag.selected(mouse.screen) end
        {prompt='rename:'}, -- args
        shared.promptbox.widget, --widget (you'd need change this)
        function(name) end, --exe callback
        nil, --completion callback
        awful.util.getdir("cache").."/history_eval" --history path

    Search if tag already exist, return tag or new tag
    @args a table of arguments The tag we want
function move_to_tag(args)
    if not args then return end
    if not then return end
      for i,t in ipairs(awful.tag.gettags(mouse.screen)) do
        if then
            return t
    return add_tag({})

function delete_tag(args)

In my rules, i have a few programs i like on separate tags:

{ rule={ class="Icedove",instance="Mail"}, properties={tag = function() return move_to_tag({name='email'}) end} }, { rule={ class="Iceweasel",instance="Navigator"}, properties={tag = function() return add_tag({name='www'}) end} },
    { rule={ name="xbill"}, properties={tag = function()
        return move_to_tag({name='xbill'}) end} },
{ rule={ class="emulator-arm",instance="emulator-arm"}, properties={tag = function() return move_to_tag({name='and-emu'}) end} },

I have some key bindings for tags like this:

    awful.key({ config.modkey,       },"n",function() add_tag({}) end),
    awful.key({ config.modkey,       },"d",function() delete_tag({}) end),
    awful.key({ config.modkey,"Shift"},"n",function() rename_tag() end),

While it's not as nice as shifty was when it was working, it basically does everything i needed it to.

On 31/01/13 09:08, David Soulayrol wrote:

I appreciate those who have helped with pull requests and such but I feel 
shifty has been
obsolete for some time now.

Could you lease elaborate on this? I am using shifty, but if I can achieve the 
same in similarly
easy fashion, I would be really tempted to stick with "out of the box" awesome? 
Could you please
give some examples?

I'm also interested in this. What I like with Shifty is the automatic
creation and removal of tags when there are no more clients in it. Is it
possible to handle this in a simple way with a raw awesome

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