Hi All,


I’ve been using an Windows XP Virtual Machine for quite a while now. I run it 
headless and access it through RDP using remmina, running in Awesome – All 
great – Especially that when I put remmina into “full screen mode” as it uses 
the entire display, completely covering the tray. Then I just use <Mod 4> # to 
change to another Awesome pane/desktop/? and so on.


Now for the strange/interesting part… I just setup a Windows 7 VM in Virtualbox 
but this time, running headless and using remmina to RDP in, fullscreen mode 
does NOT cover the entire screen, but leaves the tray (only uses the viewport?)


Anyone know where I should start to look to adjust the Windows 7 VM to use the 
full screen rather than just the viewport? Virtualbox, virtualbox client 
extensions, remmina, awesome, X, other???



Thanks in advance






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