Hi everybody,

I come from gnome fallback and am new to awesome. I am a bit disoriented by the new interface.

Is there a gnome-ish style ready? Instead of adding one by one each icon and application, is there an gnome-ish style already written? For ex. with nm-applet, nautilus started for icons on background, screensaver at ctrl-alt-l, showing title bars, automounting, audio applet, suspend2ram when closing the lid (see below for others)?

(Some examples at https://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/My_first_awesome did not work with 3.5 version, I update the one with the text (which was not easy at first glance).)

How to enable sloppy focus (or focus follows mouse) for all windows?

How to make resize the window by clicking on all the sides of the window frame (not only the bottom-right corner)?

How to add the classical minimize, maximize and close to titlebar instead of the five

Whe I press the keys for audio level, gnome poped up a small dialog on the screen with volume level, how can this be done with awesome?

On a terminal for ex., removing at the beginning of a line made an error sound. How to enable error sound with awesome?

How to enlarge the height of the statusbar and the size of the fonts used inside? Currently, on my 1920x1200 15"4 screen the statusbar is too small. This would also solve the known issue at http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Nm-applet.

I also notices that the keyboard time before repeating key has changed. Is that right?

There is a bug (I use 3.5.1) when changing the size of a window with Mod4+rightclick. Afterwards, pressing the title bar (I have turned on the titlebars) of the window shrinks the window. It becomes very difficult to resize the window afterwards, since the size changes at random. Right now for example, I start emacs and its size shrinks right afterwards down to 3-4 lines, makiing it unuseable.


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