I saw that too, but as you say it is a bit messy and, as any solution involving mixing applications, it is not a solution at long term.

On 29/10/13 14:44, Gabe Martin wrote:
another thing you could do would be to run awesome on top of a desktop
environment, replacing its default window manager. this solution tends to
be a bit messy, but can also save a lot of time. i've had a good deal of
luck running awesome on top of the MATE desktop, for example.
here<https://github.com/shmibs/aweseom-MATE-config>are my configs for
doing so.

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 6:31 AM, Paweł Rumian <gork...@gmail.com> wrote:


before I will answer some of your questions, I'd point you to a
fundamental difference - while Gnome is a complete desktop
environment, awesome is just(?) a window manager.
You will need to use some additional tools to get the results you have
out-of-the-box in gnome. Gnome also probably uses some separate
programs, just installs and configures them without your

nautilus started for icons on background,

screensaver at ctrl-alt-l
Install a screensaver and configure it to use a shortcut.

Use udev rules or helper programs or autoFS in kernel

audio applet,
Install audio applet of your choice

suspend2ram when closing the lid (see below for others)?

Use/configure acpid

How to enable sloppy focus (or focus follows mouse) for all windows?

Hmm, with which windows do you have troubles?

How to make resize the window by clicking on all the sides of the window
frame (not only the bottom-right corner)?

How to add the classical minimize, maximize and close to titlebar
instead of
the five

awesome is tiling WM, which eliminates 99% of situations where you
would need these, thus I have never thought about them.

Whe I press the keys for audio level, gnome poped up a small dialog on
screen with volume level, how can this be done with awesome?

Install an appropriate application, bind it to volume keys.

On a terminal for ex., removing at the beginning of a line made an error
sound.  How to enable error sound with awesome?

Configure terminal.

How to enlarge the height of the statusbar and the size of the fonts used
inside?  Currently, on my 1920x1200 15"4 screen the statusbar is too

Edit theme.lua of your current theme.

I also notices that the keyboard time before repeating key has changed.
that right?

These things are configured by xset.


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