Did some more work. I saw on the mail archive that my mail was malformed.
Corrected lines and have shown them below.

*-- Create a battery widgetmybatt = wibox.widget.textbox()
bashets.register("battery.sh", {widget="mybatt", format="$1",
update_time=300, separator="|"})*

*-- Widgets that are aligned to the right    local right_layout =
wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()    if s == 1 then
right_layout:add(wibox.widget.systray()) end    right_layout:add(mybatt)
    right_layout:add(mytextclock)    right_layout:add(mylayoutbox[s])*

Like I mentioned, battery.sh gets executed as per the update schedule. I
created a notification after bashets.start

naughty.notify({title = "Debug Message", text = mybatt.text})

I got a message with no text. Looks like mybatt.text is nil. Does this mean
bashets is not passing the value as expected?

-- Mohan Sundaram

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Mohan Sundaram <mohan....@gmail.com> wrote:

> A. Quit in awesome gnome-session:
> I installed awesome from the Ubuntu repositories and made the entries in
> desktop files as recommended by the wiki. Awesome worked except for quit.
> awesome.quit does not work for a gnome session. I had to modify the rc.lua
> file to execute "gnome-session-quit --no-prompt --force" to make quit work.
> Can those with accounts on the wiki include this in the wiki please?
> B. Battery widget in Awesome using bashets:
> I've been trying bashets. I created a textbox widget and a script for
> battery health/status. The output of the script looks as under
> <span color=#859900>46%</span> <span color=#859900>▲</span>
> rc.lua file entry.
> *-- Create a battery widgetmybatt =
> wibox.widget.textbox()bashets.register("battery.sh", {widget="mybatt",
> format="$1", update_time=300, separator="|"})*
> *  -- Widgets that are aligned to the right    local right_layout =
> wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal()    if s == 1 then
> right_layout:add(wibox.widget.systray()) end
> right_layout:add(mybatt)    right_layout:add(mytextclock)
> right_layout:add(mylayoutbox[s])*
> I was not able to figure out why the bashets register was crashing when I
> ahd followed the wiki. Turns out widget name should be given in quotes
> while wiki uses unquoted names.
> I added the widget to the right_layout. I do not see the widget still. I
> know the script is getting executed as I write to a log file for debugging
> and that shows execution with output being correct. I tried quoting the
> widget name in the add and awesome crashed on restart.
> Any pointers please?
> -- Mohan Sundaram

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