I'm new to awesome, so apologies if I'm not using the right forum or if
I didn't pay proper attention to the right docs, but awesome-client is
generating this error:

Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name 
org.naquadah.awesome.awful was not provided by any .service files

Someone else had a similar problem running it from cron, but this is
from an interactive shell.  I can use notify-send without any problems,
so as far as I can tell my environment is set up properly.  Nonetheless,
I did try copying the environment from the awesome process, like was
suggested for the guy running awesome-client from cron.  No luck.

I don't know dbus, so I don't really know what to look for next.  I'm
running awesome 3.5.2, compiled myself and installed to /usr/local, on
Ubuntu Trusty and on Debian testing (two different machines, same
problem).  I've also tried re-copying the rc.lua file from the default,
still no luck.

The only thing I can think of is that I've somehow managed to break dbus
the same way on both systems, or that it has something to do with being
installed to /usr/local.  Either way, any suggestions?

Jeremy Hankins <no...@nowan.org>

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