Uli Schlachter <psyc...@znc.in> writes:


> On 17.04.2014 10:40, Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
>> having used Tmux on the console and Stumpwm with X quite some time now,
>> I got used to have the same prefix (C-o) and more or less the same
>> keybindings for both WM's, so I don't have think about being on the
>> console or in an X session. 
>> Now awesome is really awesome and a strong competitor to stumpwm and I
>> want to try it. Changing keybindings would be easy, but how to set a
>> keychord (Control + o) as prefix instead of single keys that have been
>> added to Mod4 is not so obvious (but maybe I missed something obvious
>> here).
>> Somebody somewhere asked about using C-M- as prefix (Control + Alt), and
>> the answer was basically 'you can't'. 
> Well, everything is possible.
> In this case you would need to write something which catches the C-o
> key press
> and then "activates some mode" by registering your other keybindings
> or starting
> a keygrabber (so that e.g. Esc or some timeout can easily be used to
> de-activate
> this "mode" again).

Not really something I would dare to try when I just want to compare
awesome to stumpwm for a while.

> However, it's not possible in the sense of "AFAIK no one wrote and
> published
> something that would make this easier".

Thats basically a 'you can't' then, leaving only two options:

1. Two completely different sets of key combinations for tmux and
awesome with all the guaranteed confusion.

2. Adapt tmux bindings to awesome bindings (use Mod4 as prefix) ... and
relearn muscle memory from scratch.

Option 2 looks better, but still not very attractive, to me. 
However, thanks for your answer.


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