
You can wrap the progressbar inside wibox.layout.margin which will give
you a nice margin. Honestly I never read the API documentation an I'm
just guessing how things work. Would be nice if someone could tell why
the height property in progressbar has no effect. Maybe it has something
to do with the layout? I don't know.

However here's the code that works for me:

local volumebar = awful.widget.progressbar()

-- item, left, right, top, bottom? can't find the constructor in the API
documentation so I'm just guessing..
local widget = wibox.layout.margin(volumebar, 5, 5, 6, 6)

/ Eero

On 04/25/2014 05:07 PM, Mohan Sundaram wrote:
> Using Awesome 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 14.04.
> a) The API document seems to describe older API format where widget
> name is passed as an argument. Is there a place where the new  format
> is described?
> b) Trying to use the progressbar widget as under
> barwidget=awful.widget.progressbar()
> barwidget:set_vertical(false)
> barwidget:set_width(40)
> barwidget:set_height(8)
> barwidget:set_border_color("#00ff00")
> barwidget:set_background_color("#000000")
> barwidget:set_color("#00ff00")
> barwidget:set_value(0.5)
> Added widget in the wibox
> right_layout:add(barwidget)
> I'm getting a progressbar box covering the full height of the systray
> wibox. Changing the height has no effect. Changing all othe
> rparameters using Mod+x to run lua code works as documented.
> Where am I making the mistake? Or is this a bug?
> -- Mohan Sundaram

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