
I'm running awesome v3.5.5 and your snippet below works for me. Are you
sure that you're adding the margin widget to the wibox instead of the


A small screenshot to make sure this is the desired output:

/ Eero

On 04/26/2014 11:46 AM, Mohan Sundaram wrote:
> Behaviour is the same whether I use ticks or height/width
> specification. The margin layout wibox did not give me margin padding
> either when applied to the barwidget...
> Eero - you say it works for you. While your widget specifications are
> as per 3.5 usage, the margin layout wrapping is 3.4 usage style. Are
> you using the margin box wrapping in 3.5?
> -- Mohan Sundaram
> On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Mohan Sundaram <mohan....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I tried this.
>> -- Create a progress bar widget
>> barwidget = awful.widget.progressbar()
>> barwidget:set_color("#00ff00")
>> barwidget:set_background_color("#000000")
>> barwidget:set_border_color("#00ff00")
>> barwidget:set_vertical(false)
>> barwidget:set_width(40)
>> barwidget:set_height(12)
>> barwidget:set_value(0.5)
>> -- const = wibox.layout.constraint()
>> -- const:set_strategy("exact")
>> -- const:set_height(8)
>> -- const:set_width(40)
>> -- const:set_widget(barwidget)
>> marginbox = wibox.layout.margin()
>> marginbox:set_margins(5)
>> marginbox:set_widget(barwidget)
>> No change in how the widget appears.
>> -- Mohan Sundaram
>> On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Eero-Antero Säisä <e...@jakolasku.fi> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> You can wrap the progressbar inside wibox.layout.margin which will give
>>> you a nice margin. Honestly I never read the API documentation an I'm
>>> just guessing how things work. Would be nice if someone could tell why
>>> the height property in progressbar has no effect. Maybe it has something
>>> to do with the layout? I don't know.
>>> However here's the code that works for me:
>>> local volumebar = awful.widget.progressbar()
>>> volumebar:set_background_color(beautiful.bg_focus)
>>> volumebar:set_color(beautiful.fg_focus)
>>> volumebar:set_ticks(true)
>>> volumebar:set_ticks_size(5)
>>> volumebar:set_width(59)
>>> -- item, left, right, top, bottom? can't find the constructor in the API
>>> documentation so I'm just guessing..
>>> local widget = wibox.layout.margin(volumebar, 5, 5, 6, 6)
>>> / Eero
>>> On 04/25/2014 05:07 PM, Mohan Sundaram wrote:
>>>> Using Awesome 3.5.2 on Ubuntu 14.04.
>>>> a) The API document seems to describe older API format where widget
>>>> name is passed as an argument. Is there a place where the new  format
>>>> is described?
>>>> b) Trying to use the progressbar widget as under
>>>> barwidget=awful.widget.progressbar()
>>>> barwidget:set_vertical(false)
>>>> barwidget:set_width(40)
>>>> barwidget:set_height(8)
>>>> barwidget:set_border_color("#00ff00")
>>>> barwidget:set_background_color("#000000")
>>>> barwidget:set_color("#00ff00")
>>>> barwidget:set_value(0.5)
>>>> Added widget in the wibox
>>>> right_layout:add(barwidget)
>>>> I'm getting a progressbar box covering the full height of the systray
>>>> wibox. Changing the height has no effect. Changing all othe
>>>> rparameters using Mod+x to run lua code works as documented.
>>>> Where am I making the mistake? Or is this a bug?
>>>> -- Mohan Sundaram

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