Hello Yuri,

Thanks for you testing!
If I start the application from dash, I have  progress reported and the
menu on the right click. I _don't have_, however, application menu
("File" etc.).
By etc. menu did you mean a global menu[0] (which may be implemented by Desktop.setMenuBar() later)
or a Taskbar.setMenu()[1]?
Note that if I start it from a command line, the behavior is different:
the list of reported actions/features is the same but
progress doesn't work at all.
For Taskbar we are reporting progress as supported If we successfully load libunity and all its required functions. When some of these supported features doesn't work it means that unity does not bind .desktop and your
app for some reason (or you have libunity.so and running KDE :))

Also, try to start the application twice:
the taskbar menu will be distorted (there always will be
2 garbage lines),
I guess it should be fixed someway.
I'll take a look at this at your machine later, since I cannot reproduce it.

[0] http://cloud.addictivetips.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Global-Menu.jpg [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=quicklilst-static-entry.png


On 11/20/2015 05:36 PM, Yuri Nesterenko wrote:
Hi Alexander,

On 11/19/2015 06:23 PM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
Hi Yuri,

Nice catch! Just tested on Ubuntu 14.04.3, it does not have libunity.so
symlink to libuity.so.9.
so we should try to load version 9 instead of 0 in awt_Taskbar.c:

Rebuilt and tried.
If you are interested, look at the screenshot of the Snip
application in http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~yan/8143227/Snip1.png
It was started from dash.

If I start the application from dash, I have  progress reported and the
menu on the right click. I _don't have_, however, application menu
("File" etc.).

Note that if I start it from a command line, the behavior is different:
the list of reported actions/features is the same but
progress doesn't work at all.

Also, try to start the application twice:
the taskbar menu will be distorted (there always will be
2 garbage lines),
I guess it should be fixed someway.

If I start the application from a command line in a remote session,
the list of taskbar options will be the same but
neither taskbar menu nor progress will work.

Updated in place.

Browse action works fine for me on mine Ubuntu 14.04.3. Supported
actions fills dynamically
in gtk2_interface.c  update_supported_actions()[0]. So probably you are
running 32 bit JDK on 64 bit
Ubuntu and there are some missing libraries.
Well, I build it on another 14.04 machine but both of them are x64,
and the build is default, x64 too.
Actually I have mail and browse actions available if the session is
local which sure is right.

Thank you!




On 11/19/2015 05:41 PM, Yuri Nesterenko wrote:
Hi Alexander,

I tried it with Ubuntu 14.04.3, and it started indeed
from dash or a command line as a gray rectangle. Once I added
isSupported() for every Action and separately for the Taskbar,
it reported, just like jdk9b91, that only OPEN was supported
and nothing else.
Is it OK?

dconf editor in com/canonical/unity/launcher reports
firefox as, I presume, a default browser, but I don't see
BROWSE supported.


On 11/18/2015 05:01 PM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
Hi Alexander,

resending the same webrev under the new ID

The approach is pretty the same as it was in Desktop before:
Check feature with isSupported() call.

For testing it on Ubuntu you should create a .desktop file e.g.:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/path/to/jdk9/java -Djava.desktop.appName=SomeApp.desktop -jar
#or Exec=/path/to/jdk9/java -Djava.desktop.appName=SomeApp.desktop Snip

After that you can run it from dash with specified name.


On 11/18/2015 02:52 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
On 11/18/2015 10:12 AM, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:

please review the fix

This fix provides public support Mac OS X
features(com.apple.{eawt,eio}), adds support for various desktop
features such as progress indication, dock overlays, dock menus, etc.
This is done by extending java.awt.Desktop and adding
java.awt.Taskbar classes

   Could you provide some code snippets which illustrate how the
introduced API should be used?


Linux support is limited by Unity, however this is not the only
limitation :) An app should be run via
AppName.desktop file [0] with specified system property

[0] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles

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