Hi Phil,

Can someone explain why this is needed given the existing support of
GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow(Window) ?

GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow is used for an exclusive full screen mode. Mac OS has another option to create a virtual desktop with provided window in it.
You can switch between them by three-finger horizontal swipe.

Why does it have to be a RootPaneContainer ? Why is this tied to Swing ?
This appears to narrow it to JDialog and JWindow.
It reuses swing code to set native windows style bits.

Please see updated webrev:
updated permission
added missing @throws @since and @implNote
browseFileDirectory is now return void
RootPaneContainer -> JDialog and JWindow


On 11/20/2015 09:03 PM, Phil Race wrote:
On 11/20/2015 09:12 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

I am worried about setWindowCanFullScreen and requestToggleFullScreen.
On the latest osx this functionality was merged with maximize button. So probably it will be better to change behavior of window.setExtendedState() + MAXIMIZED_BOTH?

Can someone explain why this is needed given the existing support of
GraphicsDevice.setFullScreenWindow(Window) ?

And what happens if you use *both* ? They still need to play well together
if there is some reason the new one is needed.

Other comments :
> * Note, Aqua Look and Feel should be active to support this on Mac OS.

Needs @implNote

There seems to be lots of missing SecurityException tags given all the checkAWTPermission() calls.
is checkAWTPermission() really the right call for all of these actions ?
Does it "cover" being able to delete files and quit the app ? I am not sure it is
correct in all cases.

And also there are missing @since tags.

Opens a folder containing the {@code file} in a default system file manager.
 933      * @param file the file
 934      * @return returns true if successfully opened
 935      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code file} is {@code null}
936 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified file doesn't
 937      * exist
 938      */
 939     public boolean browseFileDirectory(File file) {

So what happens if there is no "support" for this ? Exception or "false" ? Are you comfortable that all these APIs that return "true" if successful are
implementable on all platforms. i.e I mean that does the platform return
a value you can pass on as success/failure.


861 * Attaches a {@link FullScreenListener} to the specified top-level
 862      * {@link Window}.
 863      *
 864      * @param window to attach the {@link FullScreenListener} to
865 * @param listener to be notified when a full screen event occurs
 866      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if window is not a
 867      * {@link javax.swing.RootPaneContainer}
 868      */
 869     public void addWindowFullScreenListener(final Window window,
870 final FullScreenListener listener) {


Why does it have to be a RootPaneContainer ? Why is this tied to Swing ?
This appears to narrow it to JDialog and JWindow.


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