Do we have the similar functionality already in the if the folder is passed to it? Or this method do some additional things?
it also selects the specified file, doc updated in .02


On 11/20/2015 08:12 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
On 20.11.15 8:32, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:
Hi Anthony,

many thanks for your input!
You are right, most of FileManager API looks like an alien in
java.awt.desktop, so let it be revised as separate CR.
This CR will cover only Desktop and Taskbar classes.

FileManager removed, moveToTrash() and browseFileDirectory()
(revealInFinder) added to Desktop

Do we have the similar functionality already in the if the folder is passed to it? Or this method do some additional things?

Moved TaskbarPeer to the     correct location.
Javadoc fixes

I am worried about setWindowCanFullScreen and requestToggleFullScreen.
On the latest osx this functionality was merged with maximize button. So probably it will be better to change behavior of window.setExtendedState() + MAXIMIZED_BOTH?


On 20.11.2015 0:40, Anthony Vanelverdinghe wrote:
Hi Alexander

One thing I strongly feel should be revisited, is the FileManager API.
Here's my view on this:
- the functionality for the HFS/HFS+ attributes should be provided by
interfaces in java.nio.file.attribute, analog to dos/posix file
- the getResource/getPathToApplicationBundle methods should be moved
to a separate, OS-independent "application bundle" feature in
java.awt.Desktop. Even a .jar is in essence an application bundle.
- the findFolder methods are OS X-specific, even though most OSes
provides analog functionality. For example, Windows calls this concept
"Known Folders" [
- the moveToTrash method is a common and long-requested RFE, which
should be supported on multiple platforms
- revealInFinder should be renamed to a common name like "explore",
"browse" or "open"
In summary, I believe that the FileManager API should be made
OS-independent, even if initially this feature is only supported on OS X.

On another note, I guess TaskbarPeer should be in the package
java.awt.peer instead of java.awt?

Further, I went through the Javadoc of the public API:
- AppEvent has "{@link Application}" in its Javadoc. I think this
should be removed, since there's no such class in the public API.

- AppEvent has the following Javadoc: "If the files were opened using
the Spotlight search menu or a Finder search window, this method
obtains the search term used to find the files.". In my opinion, this
should be rephrased to be OS-independent, but use OS X as an example,
for example: "The platform may additionally provide the search term
that was used to find the files. This is for example the case on Mac
OS X, when the files were opened using the Spotlight search menu or a
Finder search window."

- Taskbar has the following Javadoc: "Linux support is limited to
Unity". In my opinion, this should say "currently limited", and the
paragraph should be prefixed with an @implNote annotation.

- Taskbar::getTaskbar mentions "browser context" 2 times. However, I
have no clue what this means. Can this be reworded, or the term

Below is the remainder of my Javadoc nitpicking.

Kind regards,

* Mac OS notifications -> Mac OS, notifications
* present in it's -> present in its
* a AppForegroundListener -> an AppForegroundListener
* a AppHiddenListener -> an AppHiddenListener
* a AppReopenedListener -> an AppReopenedListener
* a AboutHandler -> an AboutHandler
* a OpenFilesHandler -> an OpenFilesHandler
* a OpenURIHandler -> an OpenURIHandler
* platform specific -> platform-specific
* on current -> on the current (2x)
* user initiated -> user-initiated

* it's about window -> its about window
* it's preferences window -> its preferences window
* @see AppReOpenedListener#appReOpened(AppEvent.AppReOpenedEvent) ->

* system task area(Taskbar, Dock, etc.). -> the system task area
(taskbar, Dock, etc.).
* on running platform -> on the current platform
* appending user specified menu to application -> appending a
user-specified menu to the application
* Linux support is limited to Unity, however to make this features
work on Unity the app [...] -> Linux support is currently limited to
Unity. However to make these features work on Unity, the app [...]
* see
-> see <a

* by user -> by the user
* on platform -> on the platform
* by bouncing -> by a bouncing
* in task area -> in the task area
* It may has -> It may have
* platforms(e.g. Mac OS) -> platforms (e.g. Mac OS)
* On other platforms may require additional call -> Other platforms
may require an additional call
* in system task area -> in the task area
* system provided -> system-provided (2x)
* Some platforms does -> Some platforms do
* and accepts only -> and accept only
* In this case pass an integer represented as string as a parameter.
-> In this case, pass an integer represented as a string as parameter.

* it's about dialog -> its about dialog (2x)

* re-opened -> reopened
* re-open -> reopen

* a codes -> a code

* it's Info.plist. -> its Info.plist.

* it's preferences UI -> its preferences UI (2x)

* The strategy use to -> The strategy used to

* have awoke -> have awoken

* has awoke -> has awoken

On 18/11/2015 8:12, Alexander Zvegintsev wrote:

please review the fix

This fix provides public support Mac OS X
features({eawt,eio}), adds support for various desktop
features such as progress indication, dock overlays, dock menus, etc.
This is done by extending java.awt.Desktop and adding
java.awt.Taskbar classes

Linux support is limited by Unity, however this is not the only
limitation :) An app should be run via
AppName.desktop file [0] with specified system property


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