Thank you!

On 2/5/2016 7:58 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

 The fix looks good to me.

On 05/02/16 15:59, Alexander Stepanov wrote:
Hello Alexandr,

Thank you for the notes; yes, these lines are unnecessary. Please see the updated patch:

It should be also mentioned that for now the test is still failing because of JDK-8143062. Should it be added to any exclude list?

It is mentioned in the test @bug list. It should be enough because it means that the test should pass when the bug 8143062 is fixed.



On 2/5/2016 1:51 PM, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:

 There are just small comments about lines:
 119             Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gr;
 120             if (g != null) { g.drawImage(IMG, 0, 0, this); }

Is it necessary to cast the Graphics to Graphics2D because Graphics also has drawImage(...) method? Is it necessary to check the graphics to null? It looks like passed null graphics should be considered as a bug.


On 20/01/16 20:32, Alexander Stepanov wrote:
Sorry, just a reminder...


On 1/14/2016 6:00 PM, Alexander Stepanov wrote:
Hello Sergey,

> Note that MultiRes image can be created at runtime
Indeed, this case should be used for testing, as we have different naming conventions for OS X and Windows, so the write-read logic is thrown away (as we have such tests already), and now the multiresolution image is created at runtime.

Please see the updated webrev:


On 11/16/2015 4:23 PM, Alexander Stepanov wrote:
P.S.: The behavior with Mac OS X mission control should also be checked which is definitely a manual job (it seems to be strange sometimes; not sure if buggy). So the test instructions should be appended a bit...

On 11/16/2015 3:24 PM, Alexander Stepanov wrote:
Hello Sergey,

Thank you for the notes.

> Do you have some thoughts why this test cannot be converted to auto test?

The following parts of the test scenario:

- "Please try to drag both parent and child, do it fast several times and check if no artifacts occur." (not very valuable part of the test, but I've seen these artifacts (only once) after fast and long dragging from one display to another, so probably it is better to save it, just in case). - "For Mac OS X please check also the behavior for translucent windows appearing on the 2nd (non-active) display"

are hardly automated; especially for Mac OS X because the translucent window on the 2nd "inactive" display sometimes occurs but sometimes not, and I doubt if it could be predicted exactly where and when it should occur when dragging and when stopping dragging (and even change color; - e.g. we can see part of the "1x" image on "2x" display, if its other part is still on the "1x" display together with cursor). Please note also that the drag behavior for Mac OS X differs, from e.g., Ubuntu Linux: while dragging the parent dialog we also drag its child (whereas for Ubuntu this is not the case).

Moreover, the test requires not very trivial hardware configuration (HiDPI + non-HiDPI displays, ) which, probably, occurs rarely.

So I believe that the manual test has more chances to be run than automated (and is less prone to false negative); and attempts to automate it will bring more headache than gain.

> Note that MultiRes image can be created at runtime, it will be good to cover this also.
Will look at this, thanks.


P.S.: probably some simpler test cases could be automated: e.g., switching display resolution and checking correctness of the multires. image displayed, but I'd like to make that separately.

On 11/16/2015 11:35 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi, Alexander.
- Note that MultiRes image can be created at runtime, it will be good to cover this also. - Do you have some thoughts why this test cannot be converted to auto test? Probably some api can be added to jdk to simplify creation of such tests? like already added "-Dsun.java2d.uiScale"(JDK-8073320).

On 13.11.15 14:34, Alexander Stepanov wrote:
webrev updated:


On 11/12/2015 7:51 PM, Alexander Stepanov wrote:

Could you please review the following fix

Just a single manual test added.
(sorry, I'll remove these unnecessary 'static' modifiers for
'parentName', 'childName')

Checked on Mac OS X 10.10 (2-display configuration + Quartz) with JDK9


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