----- Original Message -----
> Hi all,
> I have a fix for the issue detailed in the following bug report:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8150954
> The issue is does not affect JDK9 so I guess my primary target for the
> bug is jdk8u-dev and the backports will go into 7 and 6 as needed.
> The fix basically checks the _NET_WM_CM_Sn atom (where n is the screen
> number), since the composite manager *MUST* acquire ownership of this
> selection, if there's a selection we're running a compositor and at
> this point, wecan get the window root where the actual compositing
> takes places and get a screenshot of that.
> JDK9 is not affected since the implementation seems to have moved to
> GTK, I see there's some code referring to the old path, but it's
> unlikely to be used in composited desktop anyway, I didn't stress test
> it though.
> The bug report contains images describing various configurations, and
> a simple test case.
> The proposed fix webrevs can be found here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~neugens/8150954/
> I tried the fix on RHEL 7.2 locally and over a remote x11 connection
> with and without a composite desktop.
> There are two parts, one pertaining the configure machinery (to
> include the necessary XRender/XComposite stuff) and the other is the
> actual awt Robot fix.
> If accepted, the configure should be regenerated, the patch contains
> this as well, but I'm not sure how to deal with the closed bits, so
> some guidance is welcomed.
> Any comments?
> Cheers,
> Mario

The patch looks good to me. I've CCed 8u as the patch applies there,
rather than for 9.

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

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