> On Mar 9, 2016, at 10:45, Artem Ananiev <artem.anan...@oracle.com> wrote:
> as far as I remember, AWT team investigated the new file dialog, when Vista 
> was released. It looks fine, but there's an issue: it doesn't provide a way 
> to implement
> FileDialog.setFilenameFilter(FilenameFilter filter)
> method. The chances are Microsoft has introduced new APIs for it since then, 
> otherwise this method should be protected with a "isSupported" check.

As far as I can tell, Vista still had a method called SetFilter 
 which could be used to implement this, but it was removed in Windows 7.
The recommended replacement is SetFileTypes 
 which only accepts type patterns (I guess something like "*.exe”).

This means, the current FileDialog.setFilenameFilter(..) cannot be implemented, 
just like Artem stated.


And frankly, making that method unavailable (even protected by isSupported), 
would probably annoy quite a few people.

I can come up with two options to have it both ways (maintain compatibility and 
use the new dialog):

== Option 1

Use the old common dialog-based implementation, whenever setFilenameFilter() 
was called. Otherwise use the new implementation and document this behavior in 
the javadocs.

== Option 2

Introduce the following inner classes to FileDialog (just an outline):

public static class FileType {
    public FileType(String description, List<String> extensions);
    // convenience constructor
    public FileType(String description, String... extensions);

    public String getDescription();
    public List<String> getExtensions();

public static class FileTypeFilter implements FilenameFilter {
    public FileTypeFilter(List<FileType> fileTypes); // do you guys prefer 
collections or arrays?
    // convenience constructors
    public FileTypeFilter(FileType... fileTypes);
    public FileTypeFilter(String description, String... extensions);
    public List<FileType> getFileTypes();

FileTypeFilter can easily be mapped to SetFileTypes. So when a user calls 
setFilenameFilter() with a FileTypeFilter as argument, we can still show the 
new dialog without having to modify the FileDialog API (well, except for adding 
two inner classes).

Just like in Option 1, whenever a FilenameFilter is set, that is not also a 
FileTypeFilter, fall back to the old implementation.
This behavior, obviously has to be documented.

The drawback for both options would be, that we have to maintain an old and a 
new implementation. That always sucks.



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