On 3/11/2016 10:26 AM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:
On Mar 10, 2016, at 09:54, Semyon Sadetsky <semyon.sadet...@oracle.com> wrote:

On 3/10/2016 10:22 AM, Hendrik Schreiber wrote:
On Mar 10, 2016, at 07:26, Semyon Sadetsky <semyon.sadet...@oracle.com> wrote:

In my opinion the switching to old/new file dialog should be presented in more 
explicit way. The automatic fallback may cause unexpected behavior. May be it 
is worth to introduce a new system property to regulate the file dialog version.
Hey Semyon,

I don’t have any strong feelings regarding an implicit switch or using a system 

Assuming the user has set the system property to use the new dialog (old dialog 
as default), what do you suggest should happen when the user calls 
the best what is reachable with the selected version and the platform API.
The best that’s reachable with a plain vanilla FilenameFilter would be to throw 
an exception. That’s why I suggested that FileTypeFilter in one of my previous 
mails: To offer at least some filter functionality while maintaining 
I meant that at least try to convert filter to file types. May be throw exception if it is not possible. Unchecked exception may not be a good choice for this. FilenameFilter you've proposed is a good design solution but the final decision is up to engineer who will implement the bug fix.

But the default should be the most functional version i.e. GetOpenFileName.

Yet another trouble is the IFileDialog returns a shell item while AWT dialog 
expects a path string. It s not always possible to convert shell folder to a 
f/s path string which can be correctly interpreted after.
Just because I’m curious: What’s an example for such a shell folder that does 
not correspond to a f/s path?
It corresponds but it cannot be interpreted on the java side. One cannot do new File(path) with it. Look on the MS known folders. Libraries folder for example which content cannot be addressed using f/s path. I would not say that it is not possible but it will require much more efforts than adding the IFileDialog itself.


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